Dotu Lolong Lasut National Park is a multipurpose city park located in the center of Manado City, in the area formerly known as Pasar '45. The Dotu Lolong Lasut National Park is unveiled in 1987, and there are parks, Open Theater, Dotu Lolong Lasut Monument, and Manado Tourist Information Center.

The people of Manado City believe that Lolong Lasut, who lived in the 16th century, was the founder of Manado City after pioneering the establishment of "Tumani Negeri Wenang" now known as Manado City. The name Manado itself is given by the Dutch colonial government, taken from the name of Manado Tua Mountain located off the coast of Manado.

Open theater with a circular shape that is often used as a place of art performances and Minahasa culture, as well as other community and tourism activities

The Manado Tourist Information Center (Manado Tourist Information Center) building looks new, but unfortunately it was locked and there was not a single officer guarding it there.